

ELEPHANT RIDING TOUR, do you want to ride the biggest animal on the earth ? Our bali tour driver will pick you up at the hotel then bring you to the elephant park,  Please try 30 or 60 minutes ride from high up on your Sumatran elephant !!! Pas through tropical plantations of manggo, jackfruit, and others local fruits. Look out for birds and monkey as you pass through the jungle and see how others animal in their natural habitat. Look down at the river and discover how much fun riding can be. Our elephant also will show you its pool as they wades through the water together with you to cool off from hot of sun. At the end of the trek feel relax and enjoy your lunch at amazing valley scenery.

Bali tour start at 9 am

Price is USD 40 / car for transportation go and back to your hotel only

What to bring :

– Hat
– Short pants
– Sunscreen
– Camera

Elephant riding tour

Elephant riding tour #elephant #elephantsafari

Elephant riding tour

Elephant riding tour #elephantriding #balizoopark

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